
Putzpläne für die Stockwerke / Cleaning schedule for each floor

Floor 0-4: Cleaningplan
Floor 5-6: Cleaningplan
Floor 7-8: Cleaningplan

Please Note: The Cleaning-Company do not clean your dishes or tidy up your Room. Please check the Cleaning-Plan first and only fill a request if one of the Task written there is not fulfill correctly. If you have further questions please contact us at mkh@stusta.de .

You are unhappy with the Cleaning Company in MKH?
Use this Form to report and we can change it together.
Note that it is your job to tidy up, wash your dishes and bring out the rubbish.
How it works:

  1. Check the Cleaning-Plan for you floor. Cleaning-Company has to clean on specified days.
  2. If you think, they do not fulfill their tasks correctly, scan the QR-Code and fill out the complain.
  3. Hausverwaltung, Heimselbsverwaltung and the Cleaning-Company will receive a notification. They can react on your complain and it is also stored for further discussions about cleanliness in MKH.
  4. Use the Form each time you find irregularities. It just takes 10 sec of your time.


    ToiletKitchenCommon RoomCorridoranything else


    Additionnel Information:

    Please Note: To get a better result out of CleaningReports we really ask you to provide us a feedback adresse. You can use your email oder just quick tipp in your Roomnumber.

    Email (Optional)

    your Roomnumber (Optional)